Privacy Policy

1. Background

This document sets out the policy of the Australian Landlords Association relating to the protection of the privacy of personal information.

This policy document is intended to enable members and others who interact with the Australian Landlords Association to understand what types of personal information we collect, and what we do with such information in performing our functions and in light of our privacy obligations.

Australian Landlords Association is an Incorporated Association, incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012.

We are committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information we collect and receive. This Privacy Policy seeks to explain how the Australian Landlords Association collects, uses, discloses and otherwise handles personal information. It also seeks to explain how you can access and correct the personal information we hold about you or complain about any suspected privacy breach.

In some respects, the laws of jurisdictions outside Australia in which Australian Landlords Association operates have additional requirements binding the Australian Landlords Association. We are committed to complying with all such requirements.

A copy of this Privacy Policy is available on the ALA website.

1.1. What is personal information?

Personal information means information or an opinion, whether true or not and whether recorded in a material form or not, about a living individual who is either identified or reasonably identifiable.

Examples include an individual’s name, address, contact number and email address.

1.2. Our obligations

The Australian Landlords Association is required to comply with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act). The APPs regulate the manner in which personal information is handled throughout its life cycle, from collection/receipt to use and disclosure, storage, accessibility and disposal.

We are also required to comply with other laws, including more specific privacy legislation in some circumstances and in some jurisdictions, such as:

  • Spam Act 2003 (Cth) and Do Not Call Register Act 2006 (Cth)
  • Notifiable Data Breaches scheme under Part IIIC of the Privacy Act
  • applicable Australian State and Territory health privacy legislation (including the Victorian Health Records Act 2001) when we collect and handle certain health information. This Privacy Policy is principally focussed on privacy law requirements imposed by the Commonwealth Parliament
  • applicable data protection and privacy legislation of the other national and international jurisdictions in which the Australian Landlords Association operates. For example, Hong Kong’s Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

1.3. Employee records

In Australia, the Australian Landlords Association is generally exempt from the Privacy Act when we collect and handle employee records. However, our policy is to protect the personal information of our employees as we do other personal information.

2. The purposes for which we collect, hold, use and disclose personal information

Australian Landlords Association is an Incorporated Association, established under Australia’s Associations Incorporations Reform Act 2012. Its members have voting rights, Australian Landlords Association collects and processes personal information of its members for the purposes of corporate governance.

Under CPA Australia’s Constitution, each member also consents to Australian Landlords Association disclosing the fact of membership, his or her Allocated Membership Status and current employer to any other person. Australian Landlords Association may advise interested third parties (including member’s employers, university tuition providers, and other professional organisations) of the status and category of Australian Landlords Association members.

2.1. General

In Australia and around the world, Australian Landlords Association needs personal information to be able to perform its core functions, including corporate governance, admission to membership, membership administration, professional development (including by the provision of materials), holding networking events, issuing licences including public practice certificates, and management of professional conduct. Australian Landlords Association holds events to benefit its members, under our member benefits program, and operates a number of membership advisory bodies, discussion and other member groups.

The Australian Landlords Association’s core services to members include education, training, the provision of information, technical support and advocacy. The main purposes for which we collect, hold, use and disclose personal information are to provide quality services and benefits to our members, to alert them to issues and opportunities in which they might be interested, and to maintain and extend our membership. Staff and members work together with local and international bodies to represent the views and concerns of landlords to governments, regulators, industries, academia and the general public. Australian Landlords Association also interacts with non-members, both prospective members and also the general public. Personal information is collected and used for those processes.

For those above purposes, the Australian Landlords Association’s activities, in Australia and around the world, include:

Membership management and corporate governance

Managing memberships, for example, by:

  • recording and updating membership details and profile information, and maintaining appropriate registers and other records of information relating to Australian Landlord Assocation corporate governance
  • sending notices of Australian Landlords Association meetings
  • distributing our annual reports
  • sending out renewal notices and advertising.

Email communications from the ALA

As with comparable professional membership organisations, Australian Landlords Association communicates frequently with its members and others by email and other means – for example, mobile messaging and the post. The non-members to whom we communicate include potential members, newsletter subscribers, real estate agents, and others involved in property related services. To ensure that our communications are effective, we employ software which reports deliverability rates, open rates, click through rates, unsubscribes, hard and soft bounces. We can see this information at individual record level if required, but only engage that functionality in very unusual circumstances.

Services and publications

  • corresponding with members and affiliated persons on issues of mutual interest
  • distributing Australian Landlords Association publications and newsletters
  • the provision of other professional information and materials to Australian Landlords Association members and non-members
  • supporting various Australian Landlords Association member advisory groups
  • supporting other Australian Landlords Association member groups
  • organising and holding Australian Landlords Association discussion groups to consider topics of interest to the landlords, organising, promoting and running live chats and live interviews including digitally, online and face-to-face; and
  • providing Australian Landlords Association members with access to and information about a range of current and future membership services and benefits, including member benefits (see further below).

Education, training and events

  • developing, promoting and conducting Australian Landlords Association events (whether digitally, online, face-to-face or otherwise), seminars and conferences (including organising speakers, locations and catering, making travel arrangements where required and keeping attendance records)
  • developing, administering, supporting and assessing the Australian Landlords Association’s educational programs
  • developing new Australian Landlords Association resources and services
  • marketing Australian Landlords Association materials to non-members as well as members; and
  • informing potential Australian Landlords Association members and intermediaries about the benefits of membership.

Professional conduct

  • ensuring that Australian Landlords Association members comply with Australian Landlords Assocation Constitution, By-Laws, Code of Conduct, and Applicable Regulations:
  • investigating and resolving complaints about Australian Landlords Association members
  • referring Australian Landlords Association members to the disciplinary tribunal if necessary
  • providing a secretariat to receive and take action on complaints and to support and service the disciplinary tribunal; and
  • receiving, investigating and taking action on complaints about non-members (for example, where an individual incorrectly claims to be a Australian Landlords Association member).

Surveys, research and competitions

  • conducting surveys and market research for product and service improvement purposes and to compile statistics and analyse trends including surveys of Australian Landlords Association members
  • considering research grant applications and administering research grants; and
  • conducting competitions and lucky draws.

General administration

  • receiving, investigating and taking action on complaints about how the Australian Landlords Association has collected or handles personal information
  • recruiting Australian Landlords Association staff and contractors
  • processing payments
  • answering queries and resolving complaints; and
  • using aggregated information for business analysis.

Other activities

The Australian Landlords Association may also collect, hold, use and disclose personal information for other purposes explained at the time of collection or:

  • which are required or authorised by or under law (including, without limitation, privacy legislation); or
  • for which the individual has provided their consent.

2.2. Direct marketing

The Australian Landlords Association may use personal information of Australian Landlords Association members and non-members, specifically your name and relevant address details and information about preferences for direct marketing, both as to the preferred communication channels for receiving direct marketing from the Australian Landlords Association and the types of products and services of interest, to let people know about the Australian Landlords Association’s services, facilities and benefits and those of third party partners, contractors and/or suppliers to the Australian Landlords Association, where we have recipient consent.

Where permitted by law to do so, the Australian Landlords Association or our partners, contractors and/or suppliers may contact persons for direct marketing purposes in a variety of ways, including by mail, email, SMS, telephone, online advertising or facsimile.

For example, where the Australian Landlords Association has consent, we send:

  • Australian Landlords Association members our member publications
  • information under our Australian Landlords Association member benefits and other program offerings and advertising of the availability of goods, facilities and/or services in the classes of personal and business products and services, including credit cards and associated rewards, banking, lending and financial services, insurance, telecommunications services and devices, travel and leisure, news publications and subscriptions, technology, lifestyle offers, including premium wine deals, office supplies, business support services, professional development offerings and opportunities; and
  • Australian Landlords Association member research, including member surveys.

The Australian Landlords Association offerings may vary from time to time.

If you are a prospective Australian Landlords Association member and have provided consent, we may use your personal information to contact you with information about the Australian Landlords Association and our current and future membership benefits, lifestyle benefits and events.

Communication of your consent

Under Australian law, you may communicate your consent to the Australian Landlords Association’s use of your personal data for Direct Marketing by:

  • when providing the Australian Landlords Association with your personal data through our website, clicking on the button indicating your consent
  • when providing the Australian Landlords Association with your personal data through a form, signing on the form indicating your consent; or
  • following the instructions in the document on which you are providing your personal data to the Australian Landlords Association.

Requirements for communicating consent differ in some non-Australian jurisdictions in which the Australian Landlords Association has members and dealings, including under the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The Group is committed to complying with all laws which are applicable to its activities.

Communicating about core issues

As a matter of law, Australian Landlords Association members are members of the Association and the Australian Landlords Assocation be in a position to communicate with its members about certain core matters, including undertaking quality review and professional conduct.

Under CPA Australia’s Constitution, members are required to keep Australian Landlords Association informed about such matters as their investment property types and locations, and their address and contact details as well as providing for notices to be sent to members about membership and meetings, including as required for validly calling meetings.

Australian Landlords Association also needs to communicate with the membership about continuing education requirements and about professional conduct issues; and about issues affecting them as members.

Opting out

Subject to the above, where you have consented to receiving direct marketing communications from the Australian Landlords Association, your consent will remain current until you advise us otherwise. However, you can, at no cost, opt out at any time, in the following ways:

  • members and prospective members of Australian Landlords Association can update their communications preferences by simply visiting the “Update my profile” page on the Australian Landlords Association website; and
  • members, prospective members and non-members of Australian Landlords Association can:

advise the Australian Landlords Association if they receive a marketing call that they no longer wish to receive these calls; and

use the unsubscribe facility that the Australian Landlords Association includes in our commercial electronic messages (such as emails and SMSs) to opt out of receiving those messages.

Notification of source

If the Australian Landlords Association has collected the personal information that we use to send you direct marketing material from a third party (for example a direct mail database provider), under Australian law you can ask us to notify you of our source of information, and the Australian Landlords Association’s policy is to do so unless this is unreasonable or impracticable.

3. The kinds of personal information we collect and hold

3.1. General

The type of personal information that the Australian Landlords Association collects and holds about you depends on the type of dealings that you have with us. For example, if you:

  • join as a member of Australian Landlords Assocation, we collect information including your name, address, contact number, gender, date of birth, address, email address, proof of identity details, investment property details, communication preferences and payment details; and we allocate you a member number and membership status
  • are involved in an advisory, discussion or other member group we obtain your name, address, contact numbers, email, addresses, professional credentials and dietary requirements
  • contact the Australian Landlords Association with an enquiry, if you do not take advantage of the option to use anonymity or pseudonymity, depending on the nature of the enquiry, we record details about you and relating to the enquiry
  • attend a Australian Landlords Association conference or seminar, we collect your contact details, address, membership number (if applicable), employment details, payment details and any dietary and accessibility requirements
  • are a supplier to the Australian Landlords Association, we collect contact address details, usually including but not limited to all forms of contact and address, billing information and information about the goods or services you supply
  • are a sponsor of CPA Australia, we collect contact address details, usually including but not limited to all forms of contact and address, and information about the sponsorship;
  • buy or otherwise obtain professional information and materials from the Australian Landlords Association, we collect contact address details and billing information including credit card or other payment details;
  • apply for a job in the Australian Landlords Association, we collect the information you include in your application for employment, including your cover letter, resume, contact details and referee reports
  • are an academic, or industry experts or media contact of the Australian Landlords Association
  • are a member of the general public who contacts the Australian Landlords Association who elects not to rely on anonymity or pseudonymity, we collect contact address details, usually including but not limited to email addresses and phone numbers and details about the reason for the contact; and

In each case, we seek to keep the personal information we need updated and accurate.

3.2. Sensitive information

Under Australian law, sensitive information is a subset of personal information that is generally afforded a higher level of privacy protection. Sensitive information includes health and genetic information and information about racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, religious beliefs or affiliations, philosophical beliefs, membership of a professional or trade association, membership of a trade union, sexual preferences or practices, criminal record and some types of biometric information.

The Australian Landlords Association’s policy is only to collect sensitive information where it is reasonably necessary for our functions or activities and either:

  • the individual has consented; and
  • we are required or authorised by or under law (including applicable privacy legislation) to do so.

For example, we may collect:

  • information with regard to criminal convictions in relation to Australian Landlords Association members and prospective members

Our policy is not to use sensitive information except for a purpose which is directly related to the primary purpose for which the information was collected.

3.3. Collection of information through our website

The Australian Landlords Association uses cookies. A cookie is a small string of information that a website transfers to your browser for identification purposes. Depending on the surrounding circumstances, the cookies used by the Australian Landlords Association may or may not identify individual users who log into the website. If they do reveal your identity, they constitute personal information, and thus are the subject of the Privacy Act.

Most internet browsers are set to accept cookies. If you prefer not to receive them, you can adjust your internet browser to reject cookies, or to notify you when they are being used.

There are also software products available that can manage cookies for you. Rejecting cookies can, however, limit the functionality of our website (such as preventing users from logging on and making purchases).

The Australian Landlords Association sometimes uses cookies to deliver third party partner or sponsor advertising on various websites you may visit. Australian Landlords Association also uses online behavioural advertising as part of optimising email campaigns based on audience behaviour – for example reaction or no reaction to a campaign.

3.4. What if you don’t want to provide your personal information?

The Australian Landlords Association’s policy is to provide individuals with the option of not identifying themselves, or of using a pseudonym, when dealing with us if it is lawful and practicable to do so. A pseudonym is a name or other descriptor that is different to an individual’s actual name.

For example, the Australian Landlords Association’s policy is to enable you to access our website and make general phone queries without having to identify yourself and to enable you to respond to our surveys anonymously.

In some cases however, if you don’t provide us with your personal information when requested, we may not be able to respond to your request or provide you with the product or service that you are seeking. For example, you must identify yourself to become a Australian Landlords Association member.

4. How we collect and hold personal information

4.1. Methods of collection

The Australian Landlords Association is required by the Privacy Act to collect personal information only by lawful and fair means. If it is reasonable and practicable, we will collect personal information we require directly from you.

The Australian Landlords Association collects personal information in a number of ways, including:

  • by email
  • over the telephone
  • through written correspondence (such as letters and emails)
  • on hard copy forms (including event registration forms, network registration forms, competition entry forms and surveys)
  • in person (for example, at job interviews and in exams)
  • through our website (for example, if you make an online purchase or complete and submit a web form such as the Update my Profile form or a Australian Landlords Association membership application form, or if you participate in a live chat)
  • at seminars and functions (for example, if you fill out an assessment form or leave us your business card)
  • during examinations and assignments conducted as part of our educational programs
  • electronic systems such as applications
  • through surveillance cameras in our premises (which we use for security purposes); and
  • from third parties, including:

educational providers that assist us in running our educational programs (including organising and conducting assessments)

direct marketing database providers

the ATO or ASIC (for example, through correspondence in relation to conduct of Australian Landlords Association members)

insurers in relation to professional indemnity insurance

public sources, such as telephone directories, membership lists of business, professional and trade associations, public websites, ASIC searches, bankruptcy searches and searches of court registries.

4.2. Collection notices

Where the Australian Landlords Association collects personal information directly from you, the Australian Landlords Association’s policy is to take reasonable steps to notify you, including:

  • our identity and how to contact us
  •  the purposes for which we are collecting the information;
  • whether the collection is required or authorised by or under an Australian law or a court or tribunal order;
  • the third parties (or types of third parties) to whom we would normally disclose information of that kind;
  • whether any of those third parties are located overseas and, if practicable to specify, the countries in which they are located; and
  • the fact that this Privacy Policy contains information about how to access and correct personal information and make privacy complaints (and how we will deal with those complaints).

We do this at or before the time of collection, or as soon as practicable afterwards.

The Australian Landlords Association will generally include these matters in a collection notice. For example, where personal information is collected on a paper or website form, we will generally include a collection notice, or a clear link to it, on the form.

Collection notices may provide more specific information than this Privacy Policy in relation to particular collections of personal information. The terms of this Privacy Policy are subject to any specific provisions contained in collection notices and in the terms and conditions of particular offers, products and services. We encourage you to read those provisions carefully.

Where the Australian Landlords Association collects information about you from a third party, our policy is to take reasonable steps to make sure that you are made aware of the collection details listed above and, if you may not be aware that that we have collected the information, of the fact and circumstances of the collection.

4.3. Unsolicited information

Unsolicited personal information is personal information the Australian Landlords Association receives that we have taken no active steps to collect (such as an employment application sent to us by an individual on their own initiative, rather than in response to a job advertisement).

We may keep records of unsolicited personal information if the Privacy Act permits it (for example, if the information is reasonably necessary for one or more of our functions or activities). If not, the Australian Landlords Association’s policy is to destroy or de-identify the information as soon as practicable, provided it is lawful and reasonable to do so.

5. Disclosure of personal information to third parties

Under the Australian Landlords Association’s policy, personal information may be disclosed to the following third parties where appropriate for the purposes set out under heading 2 above:

  • financial institutions for payment processing
  • insurers
  • persons involved in external dispute resolution involving the Australian Landlords Association
  • Australian Landlords Association Member Benefits partners and sponsors (so that they can provide members with information about their products and services)
  • members of Australian Landlords Association committees (such as advisory committees, member and discussion groups formed to consider topics of interest to landlords)
  • ASIC and similar bodies to comply with our legal obligations
  • referees whose details are provided to us by job applicants
  • third parties who have complained about Members (including to advise them of the conduct and outcome of the complaint)
  • the Australian Landlords Association’s contracted service providers, including:

information technology service providers

publishers of our newsletters

conference organisers

marketing and communications agencies

call centres and call training centres (including the third party that conducts member surveys on our behalf)

mailing houses, freight and courier services

printers and distributors of direct marketing material

external business advisers (such as recruitment advisers, auditors and lawyers); and

transcript recording service providers, in relation to disciplinary proceedings

  • law enforcement and regulatory bodies as required by law
  • as required or authorised by or under an Australian law or the order of an Australian court or tribunal
  • other professional bodies of which an Australian Landlords Association member is also a member in relation to disciplinary proceedings.

In the case of these contracted service providers, the Australian Landlords Association may disclose personal information to the service provider and the service provider may in turn provide us with personal information collected from you in the course of providing the relevant products or services.

The Australian Landlords Association’s holds numerous events. Third party sponsors and exhibitors help us defray the costs of staging such events. Commonly, such sponsors and exhibitors conduct competitions and similar activities at those events. Where attendees indicate their consent expressly or by their actions, the Australian Landlords Association may facilitate the process by which such information as the name, title, corporate affiliation and contact details of consenting participants to sponsors and exhibitors for follow up marketing by those sponsors and exhibitors.

Personal information may also be disclosed to third parties with the consent of the record subject.

6. Use of government related identifiers

The Australian Landlords Association’s policy is to not:

  • use a government related identifier of an individual (such as a Medicare number or driver’s licence number) as our own identifier of individuals;
  • otherwise use or disclose such a government related identifier; and
  • unless this is permitted by the Privacy Act (for example, where the use or disclosure is required or authorised by or under an Australian law or a court or tribunal order).

7. Data quality and security

7.1. General

The Australian Landlords Association holds personal information in a number of ways, including in electronic databases, email contact lists, and in paper files held in drawers and cabinets, locked where appropriate. Paper files may also be archived in boxes and stored offsite in secure facilities. The Australian Landlords Association’s policy is to take reasonable steps to:

  • make sure that the personal information that we collect, use and disclose is accurate, up to date and complete and (in the case of use and disclosure) relevant; and
  • protect the personal information that we hold from misuse, interference and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

You can also help us keep your information up to date; by letting us know about any changes to your personal information, such as your email address or phone number. If you are a member, you can easily review and update your information on an on-going basis, through our online “Update my profile” page.

7.2. Security

The steps we take to secure the personal information we hold include ICT security (such as encryption, firewalls, anti-virus software and login and password protection), secure office access, personnel security and training and workplace policies.

Payment security

The Australian Landlords Association processes assessment, membership and other payments using EFTPOS and online technologies. The Australian Landlords Association’s policy is to ensure that all transactions processed by the Australian Landlords Association meet industry security standards to ensure payment details are protected.

Website security

While the Australian Landlords Association strives to protect the personal information and privacy of website users, we cannot guarantee the security of any information that you disclose online: you disclose that information at your own risk. If you are concerned about sending your information over the internet, you can contact the Australian Landlords Association by phone or post.

You can also help to protect the privacy of your personal information by keeping passwords secret and by ensuring that you log out of the website when you have finished using it. In addition, if you become aware of any security breach, please let us know as soon as possible.

Third party websites

Links to third party websites that are not operated or controlled by the Australian Landlords Association are provided for your convenience. The Australian Landlords Association is not responsible for the privacy or security practices of those websites, which are not covered by this Privacy Policy. Third party websites should have their own privacy and security policies, which we encourage you to read before supplying any personal information to them.

8. Access and correction of your personal information

Individuals have a right to request access to the personal information that the Australian Landlords Association holds about them and to request its correction. To the extent that we are governed by the European General Data Privacy Regulation, you have a right to “be forgotten”.

8.1. Members and prospective members

Australian Landlords Association members and prospective members can readily access and correct their own personal information, including changing their communication preferences, by visiting the “Update my profile” page on the Australian Landlords Association website.

For any personal information that can’t be accessed and corrected through “Update my profile”, Australian Landlords Association members and prospective members can follow the access and correction procedures for non-members (set out under the next heading).

8.2. Non-members

If you are not a Australian Landlords Association member, you can contact our Privacy Officer (details under heading 11 below) if you would like to access or correct the personal information that we hold about you. We may ask you to verify your identity before processing any access or correction requests, to ensure that the personal information we hold is properly protected.


The Australian Landlords Association’s policy is to provide you with access to your personal information, subject to some exceptions permitted by law. We may provide access in the manner that you have requested provided it is reasonable and practicable for us to do so. We may however charge a fee to cover our reasonable costs of locating the information and providing it to you. Our fees are modelled on the fees applying to Australian Government Departments for FOI.


If you ask the Australian Landlords Association to correct personal information that we hold about you, or if we are satisfied that the personal information we hold is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, the Australian Landlords Association’s policy is to take reasonable steps to correct that information to ensure that, having regard to the purpose for which it is held, the information is accurate, up-to-date, complete, relevant and not misleading.

If the Australian Landlords Association corrects personal information about you, and we have previously disclosed that information to another agency or organisation that is subject to the Privacy Act, you may ask us to notify that other entity. If so, the Australian Landlords Association’s policy is to take reasonable steps to do so, unless this would be impracticable or unlawful.

Timeframe for access and correction requests

Except in the case of more complicated requests, the Australian Landlords Association will endeavour to respond to access and correction requests within 30 days.

What if we refuse your request for access or correction?

If the Australian Landlords Association refuses your access or correction request, or if we refuse to give you access in the manner you requested, the Australian Landlords Association’s policy is to provide you with a written notice setting out:

  • the reasons for our refusal (except to the extent that it would be unreasonable to do so); and
  • available complaint mechanisms.

In addition, if we refuse to correct personal information in the manner you have requested, you may ask us to associate with the information a statement that the information is inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, and we will take reasonable steps to associate the statement in such a way that will make it apparent to users of the information.

9. Complaints

If you have a complaint about how the Australian Landlords Association has collected or handled your personal information, please contact our Privacy Officer (details under heading 11 below).

Our Privacy Officer will endeavour in the first instance to deal with your complaint and take any steps necessary to resolve the matter within one week.

If your complaint can’t be resolved at the first instance, we will ask you to complete a Privacy Complaint Form, which details (for example) the date, time and circumstances of the matter that you are complaining about, how you believe your privacy has been interfered with and how would you like your complaint resolved.

Complaints process

We will endeavour to acknowledge receipt of the Privacy Complaint Form within five business days of receiving it and to complete our investigation into your complaint in a timely manner. This may include, for example, gathering the facts, locating and reviewing relevant documents and speaking to relevant individuals.

In most cases, we expect that complaints will be investigated and a response provided within 30 days of receipt of the Privacy Complaint Form. If the matter is more complex and our investigation may take longer, we will write and let you know, including letting you know when we expect to provide our response.

Our response will set out:

  • whether in the Privacy Officer’s view there has been a breach of this Privacy Policy or any applicable privacy legislation; and
  • what action, if any, Australian Landlords Association will take to rectify the situation.

If you are unhappy with our response, you can refer your complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner or, in some instances, other regulatory bodies, such as the Victorian Health Services Commissioner or the Australian Communications and Media Authority.


10. Retention of personal data

All personal data that has been collected from you by the Australian Landlords Association will only be kept for a limited duration that is relevant to the purpose for which your personal data is to be used and for as long as required by applicable law.


11. Further information

Please contact the Australian Landlords Association if you have any queries about the personal information that we hold about you or the way we handle that personal information. Our contact details for privacy queries and complaints are set out below.

Privacy Officer
The Australian Landlords Association
Level 40, 140 William Street,
Melbourne, VIC, 3000
P: +61 3 9098 8711


12. Changes to this policy

We may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. The current version will be posted on our website and a copy may be obtained free of charge from our Privacy Officer.